Monday, January 18, 2010

The Strength of Feet: A Remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr.

Today we remember a man who called on the feet of our country to bring about the changes that we needed. We remember those who marched for freedom and stood strong on their beliefs. We look back into history and take into account the miles traveled towards a more equal future for all Americans in our country.

From the beginning to the end of Martin Luther King Jr’s days as one of the most influential people in the civil rights movement, walking was an extremely important part of the campaign to bring about change. From the Montgomery Bus Boycott to the march supporting sanitary waste workers in Memphis, activists used there feet to get their voices heard and heard they were.

One momentous march, the ‘March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom’ has inspired people everywhere to get off the couch and get moving towards the things they believe in. It inspired local marches throughout cities all over the U.S. during the civil rights movements and beyond. Even today we see different groups of people taking to the streets to stand for what they are passionate about and to bring light to inequalities that unfortunately are still present in our world.

Today, take a few steps and remember those who rallied together and used their feet to peacefully make a difference in our world. Take a few steps for those in our history who have fallen fighting for the freedom we enjoy. Today, take a few steps for Martin Luther King Jr. and everything he stood for.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Common Symptoms for Foot Ailments Part 2

Do any of your toenails curl into the fleshy part of your toe causing pain?

You could have an ingrown toenail. This can occur from cutting your toenails rounded at the corners instead of straight across, tight shoes, injuries, toenail fungus, or infections. Do not attempt to cut the toenail out yourself. If you notice your toenail curling even before it is painful call a podiatrist to get this nail removed.

Do you have stinky feet? Do your feet sweat profusely?

You might have Hyperhidrosis or trench foot. This is caused by sweat glands on the bottom of your foot creating more sweat than necessary. What may start off as just an annoyance or unpleasant smell can cause skin to become thick, macerated or painful.

Do you experience a feeling of sharp pain, cramping, or burning in your feet?

You might have a neuroma. A neuroma is when the nerves are pinched by your toe bones. This pinching commonly occurs between the third and forth toes. Tight shoes irritate the symptoms.

Do you have wounds on your feet that do not seem to be healing in a normal amount of time?

You might have chronic wounds or ulcers due to poor circulation or increased pressure on the wound site. These can be very dangerous if they are continuously left untreated. They can become seriously infected or even gangrenous and in severe cases can lead to amputation. Treatment plans can be offered by podiatrists to help the healing process and in most cases can heal in a few months.

Do you have painful growths on the underside of your heel bone? Do the arches of your feet hurt when you get up in the morning?

You might have heel spurs also known as Plantar Fasciitis. This is caused by a strain on the ligaments and muscles attached to your heel bone that lead to the membrane covering the bone to tear. This leaves the ligaments becoming inflamed and the heel bone lacking its natural protective barrier.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms please call our office and make an appointment today. Don’t live with foot pain any longer! The sooner you get into an office and get your foot pain diagnosed the sooner something can be done about it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are exciting and can be a great way to motivate us to achieve life goals that we have. Resolutions can range anywhere from breaking old habits to creating new lifestyles. One resolution that many Americans hold is to lose weight.

After the holidays we are not pleased with how the scale reads, so we decided to exercise more and eat right. This is a great change that more Americans should try but there is only one problem.

Excessive exercise after you have not been active can be very dangerous for your… FEET!! Feet take quite a beating with new strenuous workout routines. Plantar Fasciitis, Neuromas, and Achilles Tendonitis are a few ailments that can occur due to over exercise and shoes that are too tight.

Not only do these ailments lead to sever foot pain, they also make these great resolutions extremely hard to reach. To decrease your chances of foot pain or injury and increase your chances for success, take things slow.

Set up a routine that will ease you into the healthy lifestyle you want to achieve. This will help your body adjust and provide a strong foundation to keep building on. If you are investing in new shoes, shop at night when your feet are swollen from the day and make sure to get your feet measured first. This will help you get the correct size shoe.

Make sure to stretch your feet before your routine. This sounds silly to most people but it is so important! Lots of injuries could be avoided if you stretch before and after your work out. It’s wise to speak with a podiatrist or physician to make sure your work out plan will not cause more harm to your body than good.

Finally, if you want to make New Year’s resolutions but can’t because foot pain is keeping you bound to your chair, don’t worry, there is hope and there are people waiting to help you. Call your podiatrist today and start a new year pain free!!
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