Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Foot Pain!

If you celebrated the new year with a night of dancing, you might now be having foot pain or simply wondering how you can take better care of your feet next time. Foot injuries caused by dancing are unfortunately common because we often pay little attention to our feet as long as they get us where we need to go. You need not worry, however, because Dr. Feeny and Dr. Kate are here to keep your feet healthy and pain free.

Injury prevention starts long before you hit the dance floor. Let your feet relax for a little while everyday by propping them up. This gives the small muscles in your feet a chance to recuperate from daily activities and will make sure they’re well-rested the next time you take them dancing. Another everyday thing you can do to protect your feet is proper skin care which can help to prevent blisters.

Shortly before dancing, take some time to stretch all the muscles in your feet. This will help to prevent you from pulling or straining your muscles. A good way to make sure that your feet are adequately stretched is to use them to spell out the alphabet in the air. It’s a simple, fun way to warm them up. You’ll also want to pick shoes that are comfortable and that have been broken in. Dancing in new shoes can cause blisters or other injuries so make sure that you walk in them a few times first to break them in. The best way to do this is to wear them for an hour or so the first time and gradually increase the amount of time you wear them.

When dancing, pay attention to your feet and take a break when they start hurting. Pain is your feet’s way of telling you when something is not right. A little bit of pain while dancing can be indicative of a more serious problem if not treated properly. This is especially true if you land on your ankle wrong or a partner with two left feet happens to step on yours.

If you have any blisters, foot, or ankle pain left over from your New Year's dancing, call us today to set up an appointment and we’ll have you back in your dancing shoes in no time.

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