Thursday, February 14, 2013

Got Gout?

Got gout? If so, here is a recommendation for reducing you pain and discomfort! Watch what you eat and drink. Changes in diet, including overindulging in certain foods and beverages can cause gout attacks.

Gout attacks are extremely painful, they are caused with uric acid accumulates in the tissues or a joint and crystallizes. This most commonly occurs in the big toe joint because the toe is the coolest part of the body and uric acid is sensitive to temperature changes. Foods high in purines contribute to uric acid build up. People prone to gout attacks should avoid purine-rich items such as shellfish (shrimp, crab, etc.), organ meats (kidney, liver, etc.), red meat, red wine and beer. Gout can be treated with medications, diet changes and increasing consumption of appropriate fluids. In some severe cases surgery is required to remove uric acid crystals and repair the joint. For more information on gout, visit our website at

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