Wednesday, May 1, 2013

1/2 Marathon Training: Week One

My plan for the Hokie Half is to follow Hal Higdon’s 10K novice training plan. Once I complete this plan, I’ll move on to the ½ marathon plan. I decided to do this because once I started looking at the ½ training plan I realized it was not for my beginner status. This seems to be much more feasible! Here’s what was on the schedule for this week and how I completed each workout:

Starting on Tuesday my achilles tendon on both legs felt soooo tight (and still do) which started to stress me out. Yesterday, Dr. Kate and I were driving to Kendal at Lexington for a talk and I mentioned this to her and she said to make sure you rub the tendons, ice them after each workout and of course stretch. Stretching has definitely been put on the back burner (minus Monday since it was on the plan) which I need to make a priority.

All in all, I'm really happy with how the week went! I'm SO elated we worked out everyday- after work Monday through Wednesday and before on Thursday since we had a softball game that night.

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